Easy Pay

We are happy to offer you the convenience of making your purchase through our 4 week, Easy Pay Plan. We request an initial 25% deposit, followed by three consecutive weekly payments. There is a $20 fee that will be added to your order.

  1. Add the item you wish to purchase to the shopping cart .
  2. Add this Easy Pay to your shopping cart.
  3. Check out using the code "LA25". This will calculate the 25% deposit required to secure your item.
  4. Complete checkout by paying your deposit
  5. You will receive an invoice from us recording your payment and also information on your remaining balance.


Once your order is processed we will contact you each week with payment information.

  1. Once your order is processed we will contact you each week with payment information.


After you complete your 3rd payment we will contact you with your final payment information. Once your final payment is made your item will be shipped out in 2-3 days.


    If any payment is missed and not replaced within 7 days all previous payments will be refunded less the non-refundable initial 25% deposit and $20 fee.